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Non-fiction, Strana 3


707 položek celkem




Položek k zobrazení: 707
Introducing Empiricism : A Graphic Guide
149 Kč

Our knowledge comes primarily from experience - what our senses tell us. But is experience really what it seems?The experimental breakthroughs in 17th-century science of Kepler,...

149 Kč

In 1859, Charles Darwin shocked the world with a radical theory - evolution by natural selection. One hundred and fifty years later, his theory still challenges some of our most...

Introducing Evolutionary Psychology : A Graphic Guide
149 Kč

How did the mind evolve? How does the human mind differ from the minds of our ancestors, and from the minds of our nearest relatives, the apes? What are the universal features...

Introducing Fascism : A Graphic Guide
149 Kč

Did Fascism end with the Allied victory over the Axis powers in 1945, or has it been lying dormant and is now re-awakening as we move into the 21st century? Introducing Fascism...

Introducing Feminism : A Graphic Guide
149 Kč

The term 'feminism' came into English usage around the 1890s, but women's conscious struggle to resist discrimination and sexist oppression goes much further back. This...

Introducing Game Theory : A Graphic Guide
149 Kč

When should you adopt an aggressive business strategy? How do we make decisions when we don't have all the information? What makes international environmental cooperation...

original 9781848310841
149 Kč

Islam is one of the world's great monotheistic religions. Islamic culture, spanning 1,500 years, has produced some of the finest achievements of humanity. Yet the religion...

149 Kč

Covering thinkers from Aristotle to Saussure and Chomsky, "Introducing Linguistics" reveals the rules and beauty that underlie language, our most human skill. 9781848310889

Introducing Logic : A Graphic Guide
149 Kč

Logic is the backbone of Western civilization, holding together its systems of philosophy, science and law. Yet despite logic's widely acknowledged importance, it remains an...

149 Kč

Was Marx himself a 'Marxist'? Was his visionary promise of socialism betrayed by Marxist dictatorship? Is Marxism inevitably totalitarian? What did Marx really say? "Introducing...

9781840468533 p0 v2 s1200x630
149 Kč

Philosophers have always enjoyed asking awkward and provocative questions, such as:What is the nature of reality?What are human beings really like?What is special about the...

Introducing Semiotics : A Graphic Guide
149 Kč

"Introducing Semiotics" outlines the development of sign study from its classical precursors to contemporary post-structuralism. Through Paul Cobley's incisive text and Litza...