Set in Changi, the most notorious prisoner of war camp in Asia, King Rat is an heroic story of survival told by a master story-teller who lived through those years as a young...
From the bard of the Beat Generation, Jack Kerouac's Maggie Cassidy is an autobiographical novel of young love, published in Penguin Modern Classics.Though publishers stopped...
The remarkable novel upon which the stunning cult film was based.'Beautiful ... The story of an extraterrestrial visitor from another planet is designed mainly to say something...
mars. A desolate place, forgotten by Earth. Isolated homesteads huddle along the lines of the great canals, in thrall to Arnie Kott and his plumbing union, which controls the...
'This perfectly executed novel is a reminder that reading can be the finest entertainment there is' GuardianTwenty years, two people, ONE DAY. The multi-million copy bestseller...
The torrid story of Frank Chambers, the amoral drifter, Cora, the sullen and brooding wife, and Nick Papadakis, the amiable but inconvenient husband, has become a classic of its...
In "The Road" a boy and his father lurch across the cold, wretched, wet, corpse strewn, ashen landscape of a post apocalyptic world. The imagery is brutal even by Cormac...
The Strugatsky brothers' poignant and introspective novel of first contact that inspired the classic film StalkerRed Schuhart is a stalker, one of those strange misfits who are...
It is the twenty-first century. On Mars a dedicated group of pioneers - among them some of Earth's finest brains - struggle to change the face of the planet . . .Science fiction...
William Stoner enters the University of Missouri at nineteen to study agriculture. A seminar on English literature changes his life, and he never returns to work on his father's...
Inspired by D.H. Lawrence, Chekhov and Hemingway, Bukowski's writing is passionate, extreme and has attracted a cult following, while his life was as weird and wild as the tales...